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SM-3003 front cover
セール価格 ¥440 通常価格 ¥880 セール
STL-AM13 front cover
通常価格 ¥1,430
STL-AM15 front cover
通常価格 ¥1,100
LSS-473-C front cover
セール価格 ¥275 通常価格 ¥550 セール
STL148 front cover
セール価格 ¥660 通常価格 ¥1,320 セール
VIL-6072 front cover
通常価格 ¥1,100
SONP50115-J front cover
セール価格 ¥550 通常価格 ¥1,100 セール
STL-AM07 front cover
通常価格 ¥1,320
Anti-Static Soft Sleeves for LP Records; Made in Japan (1 sleeve) / Fundas suaves con propiedades de atenuación de energía estática para discos LP; hecho en Japón (1 pieza). - Snow Records Japan
通常価格 ¥600


Feedback from our customers. We know that sometimes, first time customers and those who have yet to patronize our store might have concerns, such as, "Just what kind of store is Snow Records?", "Can I trust them when selling records or placing mail orders?", or "I'm worried about their reviews/reputation!"...


The staff below make strenuous efforts every day for our customers. Management ANDO, Tomo ANDO, Y. Staff ITAKURA, M. IWATA, Y. KON, S. KONO, Y. KUBO, H. MIZOGUCHI, A. SHIGA, M. Management Ando, Tomo Name Ando, Tomo Position Co-Founder and Managing Director URL BlogTwitterFacebookGoogle+ Favorite Genre 70's to 80's hard...

Images/Duties/Stock Notification

- ImagesAll product Images are sample. Sample images are used for same items.It may have different design.Condition is different.Please be sure to see the description.We don't accept about image issues. - Please Note About Import Duties and TaxTo international buyers, Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price...

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